The Falcon and the Winter Soldier star Anthony Mackie has been tapped to star in Disney/Marvel’s Captain America 4, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.《好莱坞报道》证实,《猎鹰与冬兵》的主演安东尼·麦凯已被选中出演迪士尼漫威电影《美国队长4》。
Mackie already took his Avengers character, Sam Wilson, aka the Falcon, from big screen to small for Disney+, with creator/writer Malcolm Spellman and director Kari Skogland at the helm. Now he’s set to board Captain America 4, with Spellman to pen the script with Dalan Musson, a staff writer on the Disney+ Marvel series.麦凯已经将他的复仇者联盟角色山姆·威尔逊(又名猎鹰)从大银幕搬到了迪士尼+流媒体的小银幕,由编剧马尔科姆·斯佩尔曼和导演卡里·斯科格兰为该剧掌舵。现在,他将出演《美国队长4》,该片由斯佩尔曼与迪斯尼+漫威系列编剧达兰·穆森共同撰写剧本。
In April, THR broke the news that Spellman is developing the fourth installment of the Captain America film franchise for Marvel Studios. Up until this point, Chris Evans has played Captain America via the Steve Rogers character, appearing in a trio of solo movies, Avengers outings and assorted other Marvel films.今年4月,《好莱坞报道》爆料,斯佩尔曼正在为漫威工作室创作《美国队长4》。此前,美国队长这个角色一直由克里斯·埃文斯饰演的史蒂夫·罗杰斯担任,他主演了三部单人电影、复仇者系列和其他漫威电影。
The question of who is entitled to carry the shield or be Captain America after Rogers was a central theme of the Disney+ series. Now, the feature will continue the story of Mackie’s Wilson, the current wielder of the shield.在罗杰斯之后谁有权举起盾牌、成为美国队长是该系列电影的核心问题。现在,《美国队长》系列将继续讲述麦凯饰演的威尔逊的故事,他成为新任美队。
Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which also stars Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, has earned strong critical and fan reaction. It is nominated for five Emmys. Spellman assembled a nearly all-Black writers room for the series, which has been praised for bringing the Black experience to the forefront quite unlike any other superhero film or TV show before it.《猎鹰与冬兵》这部剧获得了相当不错的口碑和影迷反响,拿下五项艾美奖提名,塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦在剧中饰演冬日战士布坎南·巴恩斯。斯佩尔曼为该剧组建了一个几乎全是黑人的编剧团队。这部剧因注重黑人群体感受而备受赞誉,这与之前的任何超级英雄电影或电视剧都不一样。
Mackie has been with the MCU since 2014’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 麦凯自2014年《美国队长2》以来一直出现在漫威电影宇宙中。
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