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1. Alcohol酒精

Whilst you might find one glass of wine helps you nod off, alcohol stops you falling into deep sleep.虽然你可能会觉得一杯葡萄酒可以帮助入睡,但酒精会阻止你进入深度睡眠。


2. Cheese奶酪

Ever heard people say they have strange dreams after eating lots of cheese?你是否听人说过,他们吃了很多奶酪后会做奇怪的梦?

Hard cheese contains high levels of the amino acid tyramine which actually makes the brain feel more alert.硬奶酪含有高水平的酪氨酸,它会让大脑更加警觉。

So despite your fondness for a post-dinner cheese board, chowing down will only make it harder for you to fall asleep.尽管你喜欢饭后的奶酪拼盘,但大吃大喝只会让你更难入睡。

3. Spicy food辛辣食物

As well as indigestion, chilli peppers contain capsaicin which makes it harder for your body to regulate temperature thus resulting in a less peaceful night’s sleep.除了消化不良,辣椒中还含有辣椒素,这会使你的身体更难调节温度,从而导致夜间睡不好。


4. Fatty food高脂肪食物

Fatty foods are hard for your stomach to digest and are more likely to cause heartburn which makes it more difficult to get to sleep. Fatty foods high in protein, like steak, digest slowly and may disturb our Circadian rhythm.高脂肪食物很难被胃消化,更容易引起胃灼热,从而使你更难入睡。牛排等高蛋白高脂肪食物消化缓慢,可能会扰乱生物钟。

5. Coffee咖啡

Perhaps obvious, the caffeine in coffee makes it a no-no before bed — the stimulant stays in your system for a long time and you can still be feeling the effects even ten hours later.很明显,咖啡中含有咖啡因,因此不宜在睡前饮用——这种兴奋剂会在你的体内停留很长一段时间,甚至十个小时后你仍能感受到它的影响。


1. Bananas香蕉

Although generally considered an energy-boosting food, bananas are rich in magnesium which relaxes muscles and they also contain serotonin and melatonin, which encourage sleep.香蕉通常被认为是一种补充能量的食物,但香蕉富含镁元素,可以放松肌肉,还含有5-羟色胺和褪黑素,可以促进睡眠。


2. Almonds杏仁

Known as a great source of healthy fats, almonds are also bursting with tryptophan and magnesium, which both help to naturally reduce muscle and nerve function while also steadying your heart rhythm.杏仁是健康脂肪的重要来源,还富含色氨酸和镁元素,这两种物质都有助于自然放松肌肉和神经,同时还能稳定心律。


3. Honey蜂蜜

Just one teaspoon of honey is enough to stimulate the release of melatonin in the brain and shut off orexin (which keeps us alert), thus helping you to wind down.仅仅一勺蜂蜜就足以刺激大脑释放褪黑素,并停止释放增食欲素(使我们保持警觉),从而帮助你放松下来。


4. Oats燕麦

As well as being yet another food rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids which promote sleep-inducing melatonin.燕麦也富含维生素、矿物质和氨基酸,有助于释放促进睡眠的褪黑素。




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原文地址《 吃香蕉助眠,吃奶酪做怪梦……睡前饮食红黑榜》发布于2022-1-27

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