Asteroid flying past Earth looks like it's wearing a face mask
来源:CBS 翻译:世界播APP
If you're planning to visit Earth in the year 2020, it's important to be wearing a face mask to protect yourself from the coronavirus.And apparently the rule doesn't only apply to humans — an asteroid speeding toward Earth appears to know about the pandemic and is sporting a face mask of its own.
An asteroid called 52768 (1998 OR2) will zoom past Earth next week.Astronomers at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico are tracking the asteroid, and couldn't help but notice a familiar silhouette after capturing a new radar view of the object.
一颗名为52768(1998 OR2)的小行星将在下周急速掠过地球。波多黎各阿雷西博天文台的天文学家正在跟踪这颗小行星,在捕捉到该物体的新雷达视图后,他们不禁注意到一个熟悉的剪影。
"The small-scale topographic features such as hills and ridges on one end of asteroid 1998 OR2 are fascinating scientifically," research scientist Anne Virkki said in a press release Thursday."But since we are all thinking about COVID-19 these features make it look like 1998 OR2 remembered to wear a mask."
研究科学家安妮·维基(Anne Virkki)周四在一份新的新闻稿中说:“小行星1998 OR2一端的小范围形貌特征,如丘陵和山脊,在科学上是令人着迷的。但由于我们都在关注新型冠状病毒,这些特征看起来就像1998 OR2记得戴口罩一样。”

A team at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico took this range-Doppler radar image of Asteroid 1998OR2 on April 17.
But don't worry — the asteroid has no chance of becoming infected with the virus.
Arecibo data confirmed that 1998 OR2 is about 1.2 miles across and rotates approximately once every four hours.Scientists at NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies said it will make its closest approach to Earth on April 29, but it will still be 16 times farther away than the moon — nearly four million miles.
阿雷西博的数据证实,1998 OR2直径约1.2英里,大约每四小时自转一次。美国宇航局近地天体研究中心的科学家们表示,它将在4月29日进行最接近地球的飞行,但它的距离仍将是月球的16倍——近400万英里。
1998 OR2 is classified as a Potentially Hazardous Object, which are larger than 500 feet and come within 5 million miles of Earth's orbit.After its discovery, NASA said it is "large enough to cause global effects" if it impacted Earth, but poses no threat to the planet.
1998 OR2被归类为潜在危险天体,它们大于500英尺,距离地球轨道500万英里以内。美国国家航空航天局在发现后表示,如果它撞击了地球,它“大到足以造成全球影响”,但事实上不会对地球构成威胁。
And it won't be the only time the asteroid pays Earth a visit.And next time, it'll come a little closer.
"The radar measurements allow us to know more precisely where the asteroid will be in the future, including its future close approaches to Earth," says Flaviane Venditti, a research scientist at the observatory."In 2079, asteroid 1998 OR2 will pass Earth about 3.5 times closer than it will this year, so it is important to know its orbit precisely."
该天文台的研究科学家弗拉维安·文迪蒂(Flaviane Venditti)说:“雷达测量使我们能够更准确地了解小行星未来的位置,包括它未来接近地球的位置。2079年,小行星1998 OR2将比今年距离地球近3.5倍,因此准确地知道它的轨道是很重要的。”
Arecibo said that scientists continue to monitor asteroids for planetary defense purposes, but are following proper social distancing guidelines and wearing masks while making observations.

Anne Virkki, head of Planetary Radar at the Arecibo Observatory and asteroid 1998 OR2 pose with their masks.
Anne Virkki,阿雷西博天文台行星雷达的负责人,和1998 OR2号小行星一起戴着口罩合照
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